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Darkness is spreading. Destructive forces are stealing across the planet, causing rifts in families, in continents, in the Earth itself. And SWAGG’s beloved leader, Gideon Flynn, is rapidly becoming more shadow than light.

As super-scientist Stein races to create a way to bring Gideon back from the Shadows, with the help of his old friend Frank and his new SWAGG team, they realise that Flynn is always secretive for a reason. He knows something. He knows what’s coming. And he knows how to stop it.

So if SWAGG can’t bring him back before he disappears forever into the blackness, it’s going to spell disaster - and not just for Gideon and SWAGG, but for everyone on the planet.


In a print-on-demand paperback; in ebook for any reader including Kindle, and now, for the first time ever for Jill Marshall Books,
in gorgeous collectable hardback!

©2020 by Jill Marshall Books Ltd

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